GET v1/Companies({CompanyId})/Invoices({InvoiceId})
This call returns a finalized sale invoice by ID
Base URL:
Example of a call would be:{CompanyId})/Invoices({InvoiceId})
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
CompanyId |
Company Id from your onboarding package |
integer |
Required |
InvoiceId |
Sales Invoice Guid Id that you want to get the Sales Order Id |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
Get Sales Order Id from Sales Invoice
GetSalesOrderIdFromInvoiceIdReturnName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | globally unique identifier |
None. |
OriginalInvoiceId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
LocationId | integer |
None. |
UserId | integer |
None. |
PrintableId | string |
None. |
OriginalPrintableId | string |
None. |
ReceiptNumber | string |
None. |
OriginalReceiptNumber | string |
None. |
Notes | string |
None. |
Annotation | string |
None. |
InvoiceType | string |
None. |
Customer | Customer |
None. |
Orders | Collection of InvoiceOrder |
None. |
DropshipOrders | Collection of Object |
None. |
Payments | Collection of InvoicePayment |
None. |
Discounts | decimal number |
None. |
ChangeDue | decimal number |
None. |
CashBack | decimal number |
None. |
TaxCalculationResult | TaxCalculationResult |
None. |
SaleOverrides | Object |
None. |
CreatedByUser | string |
None. |
CreatedDateUtc | date |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Id": "d956de38-9eb4-4e7e-bce3-a2b0dac629de", "OriginalInvoiceId": "c1f8bfae-1177-4b0f-b841-834bc0d05762", "LocationId": 2, "UserId": 3, "PrintableId": "sample string 4", "OriginalPrintableId": "sample string 5", "ReceiptNumber": "sample string 6", "OriginalReceiptNumber": "sample string 7", "Notes": "sample string 8", "Annotation": "sample string 9", "InvoiceType": "sample string 10", "Customer": { "Id": "84da6cf0-b5c2-457b-8606-b6b0416d883f", "Number": "sample string 2", "FullName": "sample string 3", "ShippingAddressId": {}, "ShippingAddress": {}, "BillingAddress": {}, "BillingAddressId": {}, "AddressId": {}, "MedicalInformation": {} }, "Orders": [ { "Id": "470b07e8-b0b2-415d-8ccc-06ab04e1b500", "PrintableId": {}, "ReferenceId": {}, "Items": [ { "LineNumber": 1, "ProductId": "9c1b8278-bdf8-4cb8-bc6a-3a6850e505b7", "Quantity": 3, "UnitId": 4, "UnitAbbreviation": "sample string 5", "Lot": "sample string 6", "SoldAtPrice": 7, "SalePrice": {}, "ListPrice": 9, "Description": "sample string 10", "Sku": "sample string 11", "SerialNumber": "sample string 12", "Total": 13, "Attributes": { "equivalent To": "sample string 1", "net Weight": "sample string 2", "retail Marijuana Product Type": "sample string 3" } }, { "LineNumber": 1, "ProductId": "9c1b8278-bdf8-4cb8-bc6a-3a6850e505b7", "Quantity": 3, "UnitId": 4, "UnitAbbreviation": "sample string 5", "Lot": "sample string 6", "SoldAtPrice": 7, "SalePrice": {}, "ListPrice": 9, "Description": "sample string 10", "Sku": "sample string 11", "SerialNumber": "sample string 12", "Total": 13, "Attributes": { "equivalent To": "sample string 1", "net Weight": "sample string 2", "retail Marijuana Product Type": "sample string 3" } } ] }, { "Id": "470b07e8-b0b2-415d-8ccc-06ab04e1b500", "PrintableId": {}, "ReferenceId": {}, "Items": [ { "LineNumber": 1, "ProductId": "9c1b8278-bdf8-4cb8-bc6a-3a6850e505b7", "Quantity": 3, "UnitId": 4, "UnitAbbreviation": "sample string 5", "Lot": "sample string 6", "SoldAtPrice": 7, "SalePrice": {}, "ListPrice": 9, "Description": "sample string 10", "Sku": "sample string 11", "SerialNumber": "sample string 12", "Total": 13, "Attributes": { "equivalent To": "sample string 1", "net Weight": "sample string 2", "retail Marijuana Product Type": "sample string 3" } }, { "LineNumber": 1, "ProductId": "9c1b8278-bdf8-4cb8-bc6a-3a6850e505b7", "Quantity": 3, "UnitId": 4, "UnitAbbreviation": "sample string 5", "Lot": "sample string 6", "SoldAtPrice": 7, "SalePrice": {}, "ListPrice": 9, "Description": "sample string 10", "Sku": "sample string 11", "SerialNumber": "sample string 12", "Total": 13, "Attributes": { "equivalent To": "sample string 1", "net Weight": "sample string 2", "retail Marijuana Product Type": "sample string 3" } } ] } ], "DropshipOrders": [ {}, {} ], "Payments": [ { "Id": "031b19ed-4ed7-465b-874d-cd52fede71c5", "OriginalPaymentId": {}, "DrawerId": "ef0640f8-028c-495f-adad-ae0b4a8d64c1", "Last4Digits": {}, "CustomerAccountId": {}, "PaymentMethodId": 6, "PaymentMethodName": "sample string 7", "Amount": 8.1, "TransactionDateUtc": "2025-01-18T05:16:54.0539799+00:00" }, { "Id": "031b19ed-4ed7-465b-874d-cd52fede71c5", "OriginalPaymentId": {}, "DrawerId": "ef0640f8-028c-495f-adad-ae0b4a8d64c1", "Last4Digits": {}, "CustomerAccountId": {}, "PaymentMethodId": 6, "PaymentMethodName": "sample string 7", "Amount": 8.1, "TransactionDateUtc": "2025-01-18T05:16:54.0539799+00:00" } ], "Discounts": 1.1, "ChangeDue": 11.1, "CashBack": 12.1, "TaxCalculationResult": { "Id": "321fa10c-ffd8-4ae4-a336-92ad683c1619", "Lines": [ { "LineNumber": "sample string 1", "Taxable": 2, "Rate": 3, "Tax": 4.1, "ExemptAmount": 5, "Discount": 6.1, "TaxDetails": [ { "TaxId": "b9afb76a-c9d3-4955-961c-31c5d0a3fe16", "CountryCode": {}, "RegionCode": {}, "TaxType": "sample string 4", "TaxAuthority": {}, "TaxAuthorityType": "sample string 6", "Rate": 7.1, "Tax": 8.1, "Exemptions": {}, "Taxable": 10, "TaxName": "sample string 11", "Layer": 12 }, { "TaxId": "b9afb76a-c9d3-4955-961c-31c5d0a3fe16", "CountryCode": {}, "RegionCode": {}, "TaxType": "sample string 4", "TaxAuthority": {}, "TaxAuthorityType": "sample string 6", "Rate": 7.1, "Tax": 8.1, "Exemptions": {}, "Taxable": 10, "TaxName": "sample string 11", "Layer": 12 } ] }, { "LineNumber": "sample string 1", "Taxable": 2, "Rate": 3, "Tax": 4.1, "ExemptAmount": 5, "Discount": 6.1, "TaxDetails": [ { "TaxId": "b9afb76a-c9d3-4955-961c-31c5d0a3fe16", "CountryCode": {}, "RegionCode": {}, "TaxType": "sample string 4", "TaxAuthority": {}, "TaxAuthorityType": "sample string 6", "Rate": 7.1, "Tax": 8.1, "Exemptions": {}, "Taxable": 10, "TaxName": "sample string 11", "Layer": 12 }, { "TaxId": "b9afb76a-c9d3-4955-961c-31c5d0a3fe16", "CountryCode": {}, "RegionCode": {}, "TaxType": "sample string 4", "TaxAuthority": {}, "TaxAuthorityType": "sample string 6", "Rate": 7.1, "Tax": 8.1, "Exemptions": {}, "Taxable": 10, "TaxName": "sample string 11", "Layer": 12 } ] } ] }, "SaleOverrides": {}, "CreatedByUser": "sample string 14", "CreatedDateUtc": "2025-01-18T05:16:54.0539799+00:00" }