GET v1/Companies({CompanyId})/CustomerFull({CustomerId})
This call returns the Full Customer by id, including Addresses, Contact info, Extended Attributes, Documents, etc.
Base URL:
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
CompanyId |
Company Id from your onboarding package |
integer |
Required |
CustomerId |
GUID for Customer from the GET customers Call |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
Returns all the Customers in a Company
CustomerDetailsReturnName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Addresses | Collection of Address |
None. |
ContactMethods | Collection of ContactMethod |
None. |
CustomerExtensions | Collection of CustomerExtension |
None. |
RelatedCustomers | Collection of Object |
None. |
MemberOf | Collection of Object |
None. |
Documents | Collection of Object |
None. |
MergedCustomers | Collection of Object |
None. |
PrimaryName | string |
None. |
Title | string |
None. |
AlternateName | string |
None. |
MiddleName | string |
None. |
FamilyName | string |
None. |
ReferralSource | Object |
None. |
Notes | string |
None. |
UniqueIdentifier | string |
None. |
Id | globally unique identifier |
None. |
CustomerTypeId | integer |
None. |
CustomerType | string |
None. |
DateOfBirth | Object |
None. |
PricingGroupId | Object |
None. |
Disabled | boolean |
None. |
DoNotContact | boolean |
None. |
Version | integer |
None. |
MergedIntoCustomerId | Object |
None. |
LastModifiedDateUtc | date |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Addresses": [ { "AddressLine1": "sample string 1", "AddressLine2": "sample string 2", "City": "sample string 3", "StateName": "sample string 4", "CountryName": "sample string 5", "Zip": 1, "Id": "65e37a0f-d655-42d5-abe3-f31e287342f1", "CustomerId": "1747a02a-71d9-4473-a97c-d6be7d2aa976", "AddressTypeId": 8, "AddressType": "sample string 9", "Default": true, "DoNotContact": true, "CountryCode": "sample string 12", "Country": "sample string 13", "Locality": "sample string 14", "StateCode": "sample string 15", "State": "sample string 16", "PostalCode": "sample string 17", "PostOfficeBoxNumber": "sample string 18", "StreetAddress1": "sample string 19", "Notes": "sample string 20", "StreetAddress2": "sample string 21", "Version": 22, "AttentionTo": "sample string 23", "Phone": "sample string 24", "Email": "sample string 25" }, { "AddressLine1": "sample string 1", "AddressLine2": "sample string 2", "City": "sample string 3", "StateName": "sample string 4", "CountryName": "sample string 5", "Zip": 1, "Id": "65e37a0f-d655-42d5-abe3-f31e287342f1", "CustomerId": "1747a02a-71d9-4473-a97c-d6be7d2aa976", "AddressTypeId": 8, "AddressType": "sample string 9", "Default": true, "DoNotContact": true, "CountryCode": "sample string 12", "Country": "sample string 13", "Locality": "sample string 14", "StateCode": "sample string 15", "State": "sample string 16", "PostalCode": "sample string 17", "PostOfficeBoxNumber": "sample string 18", "StreetAddress1": "sample string 19", "Notes": "sample string 20", "StreetAddress2": "sample string 21", "Version": 22, "AttentionTo": "sample string 23", "Phone": "sample string 24", "Email": "sample string 25" } ], "ContactMethods": [ { "Value": "sample string 1", "Id": "11b21f4e-9f0f-428c-9497-f9d561946854", "CustomerId": "24bb48d9-aa66-4170-8689-343d5378fe08", "ContactMethodCategoryId": 4, "ContactMethodCategory": "sample string 5", "ContactMethodTypeId": 6, "ContactMethodType": "sample string 7", "DoNotContact": true, "Default": true, "Notes": "sample string 10", "Version": 11 }, { "Value": "sample string 1", "Id": "11b21f4e-9f0f-428c-9497-f9d561946854", "CustomerId": "24bb48d9-aa66-4170-8689-343d5378fe08", "ContactMethodCategoryId": 4, "ContactMethodCategory": "sample string 5", "ContactMethodTypeId": 6, "ContactMethodType": "sample string 7", "DoNotContact": true, "Default": true, "Notes": "sample string 10", "Version": 11 } ], "CustomerExtensions": [ { "Value": "sample string 1", "Id": "e55f7d1e-f34e-48ef-bcc0-66c97d9f01e5", "CustomerId": "5f932421-ee5c-419c-aba8-be227d1a400d", "ExtensionTypeId": 4, "ExtensionType": "sample string 5", "ExtensionTypeFeature": "sample string 6", "Version": 7 }, { "Value": "sample string 1", "Id": "e55f7d1e-f34e-48ef-bcc0-66c97d9f01e5", "CustomerId": "5f932421-ee5c-419c-aba8-be227d1a400d", "ExtensionTypeId": 4, "ExtensionType": "sample string 5", "ExtensionTypeFeature": "sample string 6", "Version": 7 } ], "RelatedCustomers": [ {}, {} ], "MemberOf": [ {}, {} ], "Documents": [ {}, {} ], "MergedCustomers": [ {}, {} ], "PrimaryName": "sample string 1", "Title": "sample string 2", "AlternateName": "sample string 3", "MiddleName": "sample string 4", "FamilyName": "sample string 5", "ReferralSource": {}, "Notes": "sample string 7", "UniqueIdentifier": "sample string 8", "Id": "dddee524-753c-436c-832e-ac4b67f3033b", "CustomerTypeId": 10, "CustomerType": "sample string 11", "DateOfBirth": {}, "PricingGroupId": {}, "Disabled": true, "DoNotContact": true, "Version": 16, "MergedIntoCustomerId": {}, "LastModifiedDateUtc": "2025-01-18T04:53:09.1264768+00:00" }